“Exploring OWASP Smart Contract Top 10: Part — DoS Attacks”

5 min readOct 18, 2023


Welcome, hackers 20s! In this article, we’re diving deep into the intriguing world of “Understanding Denial of Service Attacks in Solidity Smart Contracts.” We’ll explore the concepts, terminology, and techniques used in the realm of blockchain and smart contract security.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Disrupting the Flow

Now, what’s a Denial of Service (DoS) attack? In simple terms, it’s an attempt to disrupt the normal functioning of a computer system, network, or, in our case, a smart contract. It’s akin to clogging the entrance to a building, preventing anyone from entering.

DoS Attacks on Smart Contracts: Disrupting the Trust

When it comes to smart contracts, DoS attacks manifest as a malicious effort to overload the contract, making it unresponsive. Imagine a vending machine smart contract that dispenses tokens when you send it the right amount of cryptocurrency. A DoS attacker might spam the contract with a flood of transactions, rendering it incapable of distributing tokens to legitimate users.

The motive behind these attacks can vary from causing chaos and disruption to undermining the functionality of a critical contract, such as one that handles financial transactions.

Defending Smart Contracts: Strategies and Countermeasures

Securing smart contracts against DoS attacks is a paramount concern. Developers employ a variety of tactics to mitigate risks. These include:

  1. Gas Limits: Ethereum, for example, uses a concept called “gas” to limit the computation a contract can perform. If an operation consumes too much gas, it won’t be executed. It’s like telling the vending machine, “You can only serve ten customers per minute.”
  2. Rate Limiting: Contracts can implement rate limiting mechanisms, restricting the number of times a user can interact with the contract within a specific time frame.
  3. Circuit Breakers: Like a real-world circuit breaker, developers can design contracts to pause their operation if they detect abnormal behavior.
  4. Monitoring and Upgrades: Regular monitoring and code upgrades can patch vulnerabilities and adapt to new attack vectors.
function foo(uint256 x) public payable gas(500000) {
// function code goes here

In this example, the function "foo" is defined with a maximum gas consumption of 500,000. If an attacker attempts to call this function with a transaction that consumes more than 500,000 gas, the transaction will fail and the contract will not be disrupted.

function foo(uint256 x) public {
require(x > 0, "x must be positive");
// function code goes here

In this example, the "require" statement checks that the input value "x" is positive before executing the rest of the function. If "x" is not positive, the function will throw an exception and stop executing.

contract MyContract {
address public owner;

constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;

function kill() public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function");

In this example, the "kill" function can only be called by the contract owner, as identified by the "owner" variable. This is accomplished using the "require" statement, which checks that the caller of the function (identified by the "msg.sender" variable) is the same as the owner. If the caller is not the owner, the function will throw an exception and stop executing.

contract MyContract {
address public owner;
uint256 public balance;

constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;

function setBalance(uint256 newBalance) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function");
balance = newBalance;

In this example, the "setBalance" function can only be called by the contract owner, as identified by the "owner" variable. The "balance" variable is declared as "public", meaning that it can be accessed by any contract or external actor. However, only the owner can modify the value of the "balance" variable through the "setBalance" function.

In addition, there are several other best practices that developers can follow to mitigate the risk of DoS attacks in Solidity:

Use the “view” and “pure” functions:

The “view” and “pure” functions in Solidity are functions that do not modify the state of the contract and do not have any external side effects (such as calling other contracts or sending Ether). These functions can be marked with the “view” or “pure” keyword to indicate that they are read-only and do not need to be included in the blockchain. This can help reduce the gas consumption of these functions and make them less vulnerable to DoS attacks.

Avoid using loops:

Loops in Solidity can consume a large amount of gas, making them vulnerable to DoS attacks. To avoid this, developers can use alternative methods to achieve the same result, such as using recursive functions or the Solidity “assembly” keyword.

Use the “assert” function:

The “assert” function in Solidity is used to test for conditions that should always be true. If the condition tested by “assert” is not true, the contract will throw an exception and stop executing. This can be used to prevent DoS attacks by ensuring that the contract functions only execute when given valid input.

Use the “revert” function:

The “revert” function in Solidity is used to stop the execution of a contract function and revert any changes made to the contract state. This can be used to prevent DoS attacks by ensuring that the contract functions only execute when given valid input, and by allowing the contract to return to a known state if an error occurs.

Use the “onERC20Received” function:

If your contract receives ERC20 tokens, you can use the “onERC20Received” function to handle incoming token transfers in a more gas-efficient way. This function allows you to process multiple token transfers in a single transaction, reducing the risk of DoS attacks.

By following these best practices, developers can help protect their Solidity contracts from DoS attacks and ensure that they remain available and functional for their intended users.

In Conclusion

Denial of Service attacks on Solidity smart contracts are akin to jamming the entrance to a popular venue. However, through smart coding practices and vigilant security measures, we can create robust contracts that stand strong against these disruptions.

As a tech-savvy teenager or hacker in your 20s, delving into the intricacies of smart contract security can be a thrilling and rewarding journey. Understanding the nuances of DoS attacks and the measures to safeguard against them is an essential step in becoming a proficient blockchain developer or security expert. So, keep exploring and innovating in the exciting world of blockchain technology!




Written by AnonX

Full-stack web3 developer and passionate about AI and security stuffs & digital nomadic life